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  • Writer's picturehibaosama02

Don't Forget To ACCESSORIZE!

Updated: Jul 15, 2022

A girl should NEVER leave the house without accessories!

Do you ever feel like your outfit is missing something? no matter what you do it just feels bland? Well if you're not going to add accessories, of course, it will look bland! Ever since I discovered the power of accessories, I haven't been able to stop wearing them with everything. Accessories spice up your outfits in a way clothing alone will never be able to. When you're told to accessorize it doesn't necessarily mean to go over the top, a simple necklace, rings, or even just sunglasses will do the job. Personally, I always have to wear my gold and silver watch along with my gold rings, it always makes my outfit feel complete.

How do Sudanese women accessorize?

Gold, Everything Gold!

Gold. This is the only word that adequately describes a Sudanese woman's accessorizing style. Apart from her beautiful henna and wedding ring, a married Sudanese woman will be dressed in everything gold, necklaces, rings, earrings, belts, and watches, you name it.

Of course, our desire to be dripping in gold dates back to our ancestors because, for decades, Sudanese women have felt compelled to accessorize their Toub outfits with

woman's purse and top must match the Toub she is wearing, and if she is a Hijabi who wears a scarf under the Toub, the scarf must also match the top and Toub. ng in gold might be not so fashionable. But, regardless of this generation, you will always see Sudanese women wearing full gold, except if her husband passed away then it will obviously be disrespectful to do so.

Most importantly, a Sudanese woman's purse and top must match the Toub she is wearing, and if she is a Hijabi who wears a scarf under the Toub, the scarf must also match the top and Toub.

These photos are taken by me.

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