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  • Writer's picturehibaosama02

S K I N: Learn Our Secrets!

Updated: Jul 15, 2022

What is the secret behind Sudanese Women's skin? How do they make it glow?

Don't be fooled by these titles; let's face it, we're all born with different types of gorgeous skin, and our skin is what molds and distinguishes us. Many individuals are easily misled by social media and artificial realities into believing they aren't perfect or complete, but we are all perfect in our own unique ways. However, this does not mean we should disregard or be careless with our skin; instead, we should treat and pamper it with all the love and care we can give it.

My friend gave me permission to share this beautiful photo of her gorgeous skin.

How to pamper your skin:

Your skin needs its own Spa day!

We all occasionally book ourselves a spa day full of massages and foot rubs every time we need one. After a long week of work and being exposed to sunlight with no sort of protection, our skin can become pale and start forming pimples, and trust me... I'm saying this from personal experience. I've committed the crime of not wearing sunscreen when I go out in the daylight, and YES I call it a crime from the way it can kill your skin. My sister suggested I start applying sunscreen every day after I realized my skin was starting to feel weird and pimples were popping up all over, and thankfully my skin started healing after. So that's your first tip ladies...never leave the house without sunscreen. Secondly, a girl needs her skincare routine whether it's a daily routine or a from time to time, you still NEED one. Your routine can be your basic face wash and moisturizer, or it can be a heavy products-filled routine, either way, your face will need some sort of face care. Personally, I have a sensitive face and I can only use certain products because the rest will irritate my face, so if you're like me, avoid trying too many products and always stick to the product that feels the best.

Sudanese tricks: Us Sudani women love our beauty and skin products. Sudanese women were not always introduced to skin-care products available in stores in the past, and even if they were, they were always pricey and difficult to come by. Sudanese women have learned to nourish their skin with homemade cosmetics produced from the closest and most accessible substances, ranging from sweet-scented body scrubs, and perfumes to lotions.

The recipes of some of these homemade products have been passed down from generation to generation and are now considered traditional Sudanese products. To produce the most beautiful and delicious Sudanese perfume and incense, you'll need sandalwood, sugar, yellow musk powder, a mixture of French perfumes, sandalwood oil, water, and lemon. Although this is simply one of many ways to prepare them, the ingredients may vary from home to home, but the delectable aroma will remain consistent.

This photo was taken by me personally.

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